Ever changing recruitment trends

“He knew everything about me before i even uttered a word! I wasn’t prepared for this and after realising that the interviewer has been following my social media posts and has made an opinion in his mind, my interview was screwed and i gave up soon!”

Welcome to Parul’s worst interview ever! An interview in a dream company which had made her pass countless sleepless nights and her roommate Shreya, supportive as her, consoled Parul.

However, what made a smart and enthusiastic Parul lose out on her dream job? What was on Parul’s mind before she entered the interview room? Why did she give up on the interview mid way? There seems no coherent or logical answer, except that the recruiter outwitted Parul with his level of preparation and his probing set of questions.

Success, Business Woman, Career, Jump, Risk, Reach, Job
Ever changing HR recruitment trends. Image by Igor Link from Pixabay

The process of recruitment has changed rapidly with the advent of Digital technologies and social media platforms. Your vacation updates give an idea to the recruiter of the kind of exposure you have received in your life, your political updates may make your potential recruiter to cringe in his seat, the kind of joke that you have cracked on social media might help the interviewer determine whether you are a team player or not?

All in all, while entering the interview room, you are not the only one who has researched beforehand, there is someone who has researched about you too!

Nowadays, passing around CV or resume is passe, and updating your publication, a recent accolade or a pro bono activity during the weekend plays a vital role. It is judged by your loved ones, relatives, friends and your potential recruiters.

The ever changing Recruitment trends can cause a lot of stress and anxiety to the candidate. Man, Work, Think, Laptop, Professional, Young, Person
The ever changing Recruitment trends can cause a lot of stress and anxiety to the candidate.

One special case that comes to my mind is that of a digital marketer who wanted to enter the Marketing consultancy field  in a big way but was adviced against the move by one of the veterans for lack of experience. However, the Digital Marketer kept up his morale and kept uploading relevant updates, tips and tricks on the sector and he would maintain his blogs. Finally he received a call from the same veteran that he was being offered the profile of Consultant in the esteemed firm. Happy end to the story! However, what remains to be seen is how the industry veteran was convinced of the candidature and what role did those many social media updates play in the recruitment decision!

Check out our earlier blog on the Meme culture: https://socialbuzz.org.in/2019/09/09/memelicious/

Human Resource is a critical skill set that every Entrepreneur is assumed to have. However, we see many startups fall apart due to lack of team skills or team bonding or belongingness to the organization.

Dr GG Saxena, IAS retired and currently Sr Vice President, TSCPL asks Mr Ambuj Saxena, co-founder, Social Buzz, some pertinent questions on current recruitment trends. During the candid discussion, there are pertinent points of discussion that revolve around the current recruitment trends and tapping digital marketing channels for building a positive candidate profile that speaks out before the candidate utters the first word. Tune into an insightful discussion on Social Buzz podcast:

Social Buzz podcast on ever changing recruitment trends. A conversation between an Entrepreneur and a retired IAS officer.


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