Importance of Business Blogging

Imagine you are launching a new product for your company or you are diversifying your company’s portfolio and you wish to create a buzz in the market to find prospective buyers or investors. What do you do?
- Word of mouth: Tell my close friends and acquaintances about it- Sure, go ahead and good luck! If you are a well connected entrepreneur or a Marketing manager or highly self driven, then i’m sure you’ll get some results. However, those results wont show up before you attend a few meetings and dial up a few numbers. Even then, you would have to explain about the new entrant in detail over and over again!
- Traditional Advertising: Maybe you think of running advertisements on television shows and radio channels: It is a great way to attain instant recognition but this activity is a tad bit expensive and the Return on Investment is not clear. Even if these money is not a factor in your mind, consider this, how much can a 10 second slot talk about your new product/service offering?
There may not be many other ways of talking about the new offering but what if i told you that there is one relatively inexpensive way that lets you talk about the new offering?
Would you pay me for it?
Ok, dont frown.. here we go…
Business Blogging
Welcome to the world of Business Blogging. As I step into entrepreneur shoes who puts on different hats for each new offering, I realised that each and every product we make or a new service we launch or even if we need to stress more about a particular service/product in our repository, we need time to explain the background, the features, the benefits and finally the pitfalls of the same (We know that there is always a scope for improvement!).
If you find my style of writing annoying, you can see the full video on Business blogging here:
In one of the previous blog posts, i have dwelt into History of Blogging, so i wont go too deep into how blogging started but yes, i need to let your inquisitive mind know the benefits of blogging. However, first things first…
There are about 1.5 billion websites in this world and at least 20% of them are active plus there are 512 million blogs in 2020. Well, if you have set up your business website but have been complacent about it, this is the time to wake up to the world of business blogging.
Let’s take a bit of a detour and let’s go back in our memory lane. Do you remember that friend or cousin or relative, who would sit in front of you and listen to your path breaking idea or love story or story of revenge or a similar story exhibiting extreme emotion with patience? In the end, that person might not have anything for you to offer but just talking to that person would let you resolve your internal issues on the path of self improvement or help you make a decision or brainstorm more about the idea?
Blogging + SEO
By now, you would have realised that with the amount of businesses who are blogging, just writing blog posts would not be enough. Getting those blog posts crawled by Google and other search engines is equally important if not more! In other words, only when search engines detect a blog post on your company website, do they start ranking it with time and then your blog post shall appear to the prospective customer and then your sales team can rush in to action! As a Digital Marketing consultant for Microsave Consulting, which indulges in high quality and research based blogging activity, MSC was churning out blog posts without paying heed to meta tags and other essential elements of SEO and thus, they were losing ground to other competitors. Thus, writing a blog post is just the half task done and SEO has to be done on each post in order to let Search engines know!
Now, let’s come back to where we were.. What is business blogging? A common question and quite easy to answer however, it is also self explanatory! Let’s come down to the real thing…
Benefits of Business Blogging?
Let the pen keyboard do the talking
Business blogging has multiple definitions all over the internet but as i understand, it is basically an activity that lets you talk about a topic at length. As i see it, a business blog lets an idea come to life with the press of a few keys on the keyboard. An easily understandable business blog is like a window to an idea in your mind and let’s the reader relate to the new / old offering by seeing it in a new light! It’s like a writer attains a canvas on which it paints a beautiful story in the way that is readable and appreciable! In a few ways, Business blogging offers you important lessons in formal communication and in other ways, it helps you sharpen your skills of making people understand a a particular concept to people who are not at the same level of maturity with respect to the offering. If you also write frequently, isn’t it a daunting task to make a concept that seems simple to you to make anyone else understand it? Well, if you agree then you know what business blogging is all about! Thus, business blogging is a need of the hour for a business to connect with its audience at a deeper level!
There are Search Engine Optimisation related benefits of Business blogging too. As i have stated earlier, there are 1.5 billion websites and 500+ million blogs, so there is audience for the amazing professional work that you do but that audience is not able to spot you and follow you. How to reach out to that audience? You tend to make yourself noticeable and get deeper into your work of interest and talk more frequently about it. Thereby, improving the quality and quantity of your area of expertise! Plus, every new business blog post is a new page for Google to crawl and thus, a new opportunity to catch the fancy of your next buyer or investor or consumer!
Opportunity to get noticed
A well crafted business blog like the one you are reading right now, would entail long tail and short tail keywords. It would have internal links pointing to other blog posts, outer links like sources of inspiration, has a compelling call to action, product information, case study and piece of content that either quenches your thirst for knowledge or solves a query in your day to day life and better still there might be an overarching story that includes all the components. In other words, a well written business blog is nothing less than a Blockbuster at the Box office!
Negotiate better
Let’s imagine your company blogs a lot, gets a lot of positive word of mouth and your aura because of this activity is exponentially enhanced!
What happens when a prospective client or investor notices the quality of content that goes on your website, in the form of blogs, the level of respect and regard will certainly be higher. At that moment, selling your company portfolio will be a bit easier as the person in front of you would want to attach himself/herself with you. Thus, the company has better chance to convert a prospective buyer plus a better chance to ask for an higher price or sell more products/ services.
Backup the claims, Ambuj!
I’m not shooting from the hip! There are stats and empirical evidence to back up what i say! According to Hubspot,
1. 77% Internet users read blogs
3.1 billion internet users out of a universe of 4.1 billion internet users read blogs! I am sure that if you talk about your company products, services and success stories, you would definitely find readers and enquirers over a period of time. This stat has no specific source but the same stat of 77% internet users reading blogs has been going around since 2010.
2. Increased Quantity of monthly blog posts leads to bigger opportunities
In an interesting study by Hubspot (dont tell me you dont what is Hubspot!) in which they surveyed 13,500 companies of all sizes, it was revealed the following:
Small companies (1 to 10 employees) with 11 or more monthly blog posts received 2x website traffic as the same sized company with only 2-5 monthly blog posts.
Medium sized companies with 200+ employees that posted 11+ blog posts had 3.5x more website traffic than companies with the same number of employees with 1 monthly blog post.
You might like to check out the best Social Media platform for your business:
3. Customer acquisition is easier through Business blogs
In a study conducted by Content Marketing Institute in 2016, it was learnt that 7 out of 10 customers learn about a company and its products through an article rather than an advertisement. This insight is particularly important for businesses that are operating in a competitive segment, where big fish who can place ads with ease, rule the roost. Good news is that now you can get noticed, create awareness, generate a lead and closed business through business blogging without letting out exorbitant amount of money!
Concluding remarks
I think now that you are convinced that Business Blogging is a must for your business and fulfilling your organisational objectives. Here is hoping that you would ponder over how to start business blogging and why do businesses fail at business blogging. These shall be my future blog posts.
I really wish more people were aware about Seo, advertising and posting regularly. Even i only knew about all this in detail few weeks ago. This is a helpful guide and i know this will help out the new blogger or any bloggers in general.
I am glad that you found this useful! Business blogging is possible with a vision and is highly beneficial for businesses.
There is still many businesses that do not realise the benefit of having a blog. Of course, it is a commitment you have to consider. Because you shouldn’t launch yourself into a blog if you won’t perserve. But it is helpful to build your brand and ultimately help you reach new potential clients.
That’s exactly the point of blogging! Either you blog or you dont! There is nothing in between!
Great tips! Blog post definitely helps in business building.
You bet, it does!
I admit that using blogging productively to do business, even more for your own, is an uphill road that I’m not stopping to learn. Finding out and reading interesting blog posts like yours is the first step!
Very informative post , specially for new bloggers like myself !
Thank you Cristina! We appreciate your kind words
We are glad you find the blog post interesting! At Social Buzz, we learn from other amazing bloggers like you, in equal measure!
After taking a risk and starting my own blog, I totally agree that having one is essential in business. It might be hard if you’re starting from scratch, especially with all the information you have to consume about improving SEO, establishing affiliates and growing your audience. Nevertheless, it gets a lot easier once you’ve dipped your toes in it!
Haha… very well put! Indeed, blogging involves taking a leap of faith but once you are in there, there is no looking back.
SEO is so important, I have learned so much about it since I started blogging and I am still continuing to learn everyday.
I’m glad i’m able to generate curiosity through my writing 🙂
SEO is so important! Takes a lot of time to wrap your head around but Im learning as I go!
As they say, Life is a lifelong learning process! 🙂
I really needed this article right now…it was a good kick in the butt for me to get better with my SEO and to take time to learn more about it to implement in my blogging for business.
Bang on! Well that was the purpose to pen down this article! Blog plus SEO can be a killer combination!
This was an insightful read, thanks!
Welcome.. stay tuned for more 🙂
Thanks for this informative post, it is very helpful for beginners like me.
Would love to get more updates on your blog posts.
Yes, indeed, the more blog posts you have the easier to reach readers. Great article with so much information. thank you for everything I’ve learnt!
Thank you Monica! I am happy my blog post could provide you with value add!